Logo of the Highcliffe and Walkford Parish Council

State Of Bus Shelters In The Parish

The Parish Council is swiftly responding to complaints received about the general state of bus shelters in the Parish. Having identified some 21 of these we are carrying out a condition survey of them all.

BCP Council has responsibility for the maintenance of the shelters and we’ve learned from them that in the last ten years there have been 250 new shelters provided in Bournemouth and Poole as opposed to just one in Highcliffe. BCP have promised to do more and they are relying on our condition survey to identify shelters that most need attention.

If any resident is aware of a shelter that’s not properly cleaned they can report this directly to the contractors responsible for cleaning. They are ClearChannelPetersfield@clearchannel.co.uk or to the responsible BCP officer who is nick.phillips@bcpcouncil.gov.uk. Simply report the details with the location of the shelter.