Consisting of two villages, we are privileged to be in one of the most beautiful areas of the south, with immediate access to the coast and in very close proximity to The New Forest

Having been improved continuously over a number of years, and with the assistance of major lottery funding, Highcliffe Castle sits proudly in our midst.

Our area

Total population (2011): 12,681
Total housing (2011): 6,636
Total area: 639 hectares (2.5 square miles)

Area Map of Highcliffe and Walkford

Parish assets

350 Allotments at Roeshot Hill & Walkford
Nea Meadows Country Park
Lakewood Lake
Wingfield Recreation Ground

Aerial view of Highcliffe Castle

Highcliffe & Walkford Neighbourhood Plan

BCP Council statement

On 10 January 2023, full Council ‘made’ the Highcliffe & Walkford Neighbourhood Plan, following a positive referendum result on 15 December 2022. We would like to congratulate Highcliffe & Walkford Parish Council and everyone else involved, in reaching this milestone.

The neighbourhood plan is now part of the statutory development plan for the Highcliffe and Walkford Neighbourhood Area. It has full development plan weight in decision making. Any planning applications within the neighbourhood area will need to have regard to the policies within the neighbourhood plan.

You can view the council’s Decision Statement and the Highcliffe & Walkford Neighbourhood Plan by clicking the links below.

Decision Statement – January 2023

Highcliffe and Walkford Neighbourhood Plan – January 2023